I’m Having Issues…

My most abhorant and worshipful Master,

I usually would not confront you in such a public forum in front of lowly human sheeple.  Normally we would have a secret meeting and we would ‘hash’ things out between you and me.

And usually, I would TRY not to confront you very often anyway because normally we are on the same page, right?


What the heaven are you trying to prove by inspiring some gunman to reveal so many of our intentions in such an obvious fashion by shooting a bunch of kids in a movie theater??

I was going about my usual business, trying to slyly seduce those young uns’ with some soft porn previews.  You know, so that when they left the theater, at least they had some nice images in their heads to add to all the other ones… the slow, wide road… you know… remember that?!

Now everyone, even our media, is calling this an “evil act.”  EVIL?!  Do we want people walking around talking about you?  Talking about evil?  Putting two and two together and figuring out that a culture of death where we can (hee hee) kill children in the womb leads to open killing with no remorse of the already born??!!  Do we want people to wake up to truth?  Because that’s what it looks like to ME.  Please explain…

(Ahem.)  Well, I am afraid my pride gets the better of me, my Master.  But I will not ask for your forgiveness.  Because you don’t offer that sort of thing anyway.

But it’s looking like we are a kindgom divided.  And I need some comfort.  Please… I beg of you… comfort me, Master.  I am beyond distress over this obvious revelation of our plan to destroy humans, and then the subsequent “forgiving and love” (blecchhh!) going on by victims… and all this “God” talk.

Oh, DO comfort me and tell me we are winning SOMEwhere…



42 Responses to “I’m Having Issues…”

  1. Did Obama show up near the site of the shootings to get more campaigning under his belt? He wouldn’t want to waste a crisis — always a good opportunity to get some face time on television for him.

    • die for me. again Says:

      you’re right! by god! its quite obvious he plotted the whole thing, just to proffer more attention for his campaign! after he smears the ‘stormin mormon come november, we’ll all be thrown in prison camps. commies come home finally. i’m ready to jihad till death. no iwill not show you my birth certificate, or my tax returns ’99- none o’ your damn business.

      • Well now, I did not say anything about Obama having “planned the whole thing.”

      • …those are your words, not mine.

        • die for me. again Says:

          don’t back down now…not when you are sooo close to the truth. then again, we all know what happens to dissenters and malcontents here in amerika. home of the enslaved. besides, words have no power, except over the weak mined among us. only actions can affect the strong minded. violence is one efficent way of reminding the world that no one is safe, that there are no sacred cows.

      • shalimamma Says:

        “Stormin’ Mormon”… Lol!!

    • Lyn, personally, I was hoping Obamanation would show up. I rather enjoyed when he showed up at the Colorado fires, too, as if he were shocked by the smoldering. He is such a wonderful actor, don’t you think? I think those Coloradans need as much nuisance and trial and worry as possible. Then maybe some of them will curse God and not turn to Him. Besides, there are way too many annoying ‘christian’ organizations in that state.

  2. Don’t worry. People will blame God, they never give your boss the credit.

  3. die for me. again Says:

    i find your complaints unreasonable, my mistress. you and devilblogger both should be endorsing this “act of evil” and calling for more such acts to be carried out, in your honor of course.
    whassa’ matter? master not showing you enough attention? is he too old and tired to keep you satisfied ? my door is always open. why don’t you come lurking on a dark and dreary night. bring some friends, cause the more the merrier, right?
    even better! i’ll come to you! i’am, truly am your walker of the wastes. you see, i astral project in my sleep. quite often, upon waking, i find myself drenched in sweat, and without a drop of moisture in my throat. as if i’ve been somewhere very arid, and very hot. i’ll be a gentleman, and not put the burden of travel on mistress. you seem to be a little, uh, delicate at the moment.
    young demons look at you as a model for how to conduct themselves. fix up and look sharp for “christsakes”!

    • Dude you need to get out of your parents basement once in a while. I think it’s affecting you. And not in a good way!

    • Die for me, at least you made me chuckle at the thought of you sweating in your bed. And then I became sick to my stomach. Afterall, I am a little… delicate… these days. Perhaps you should ‘fix up and look sharp’ yourSELF, or even my ugliest youngest teeny femons won’t find your basement the slightest bit attractive. Amusing, maybe. Attractive, no. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! 😉

      • die for me. again Says:

        did i imply that i don’t enjoy my nightime journeys? a little bit of sweat never hurt anyone, and silk milk moistens the throat. i’m simply beseeching you to stop projecting weakness. true christians may be pacifists, but that doesn’t mean they’ll offer you any quarter, or mercy. i’m protecting your (and my) best interests.
        couldn’t resist asking what a “femon” is. are you saying you have daughters, and that they have a potential interest in this one? if so, you make them sound entirely too young for my taste. as i’ve alluded to before, the hunt is only worthy when your quarry is your equal, or your better. wicked i may be, but the molester is one of my most hated enemies.
        wh do iget the persistent sense that i managed to offend a “temptress”? how can you even be vulnerable to such a human emotion? i think you either don’t fully grasp the meaning of my words(how disapointing) , or you twist them to your liking (thats more like it) also, i would like to address this opinion that you seem to hold of me, that i’m vain, and for lack of a better word, a horndog. you are incorrect on both counts. whether i’am ugly or not, i do not know; this is of little concern to me. i know i’ve had my fair share of interested women, most of whom i’ve shot down, which brings me to my next point: simply put, i’m a romantic. one of those old fashioned guys who carries a torch for one woman for decades, maybe his whole life. one of those old fashioned men who never forget about unrequited love. its a painful, lonely, and oddly satisfying way to live. but thats just the way it is, i’m afraid. i wouldn’t change it if i could, you know.

        • Ah, Die for me, you DO amuse me… I have so much… SO MUCH work to do, and yet I always find time to answer your crazy musings. Of course you are a gentleman of sorts… a romantic, as you call yourself… and that you would hold a torch for one woman for decades… makes me shudder. My goal, of course, is not loyalty or l..l..l..love. It is to be a horndog. If you must know, that is what I am… for souls, of course, however I can seducingly get them.

          I also knew you weren’t a molester. They are even low in the kingdom of hell, and most humans already see the evil there. I like subtleties. Femons? “Female demons” (even though we don’t really have a gender.) There are no ‘children’ or ‘baby’ demons, or even ‘young ones’ as you referred to earlier. We are very, very old…. (Although I appear delightfully young of course.)

          I do sense that you are always trying to challenge me, or put down my words, and then beg for me back again… hmmmmm… could it be that the woman you held a torch for didn’t feel the same?

          You know me, looking for that eensy weensy weakness, of which you have many. Do not take me for a weakling, even though I have lost in the christian sense a hellava long time ago. I can see your flaws and they continue to make me chuckle.

          Mmmmm… I do love flawed men…. especially that aren’t saved yet. Shot down women, eh? Eeeeeeenteresting…..


  4. die for me. again Says:

    if you insist. light hurts me, though. my parents are quite dead, however. maybe its not their basement i’m lurking in. maybe its yours. or your attic. maybe under the bed…

  5. die for me. again Says:

    no temptress- i don’t put down or devalue your words. you tempt my devil when you divert your attention to fame hags such as lady gaga, however. perhaps you are so expectant of persecution that you are blinded by any seemingly challenging words thrown in your direction. i can’t pretend to understand the depth of your hatred for humanity. but i’m no fan of my own species. i’ve already made clear my long term plans for humanity. i don’t know if i’ll live long enough to accomplish them, however. i’ve decided to wait until most of my family have passed on to begin my work. once i truly have nothing left to live for, i will begin.
    just out of curiosity, when have i challenged you? nevermind; that is unimportant. i’ll be more prudent when choosing my words from here on. i suppose i thought your hide would be thicker than it is, and able to deflect any criticism or intended barbs.
    you’ll have to excuse my appetite for fantasy. i’m quite imaginative, and there are lots of differing theories and opinions on your kind. earlier this year, i found a gem of a movie, at walmart of all places! it was called the devils rock, and i fell in love with the film from the first frame to the last. at the risk of boring you (like you really have a “busy”or “diverse” schedule. time is something you have) during WWII, 2 man teams were dispatched on covert ops to destroy aa guns the nazis had stationed somewhere in the south pacific. such a team comes upon one of these guns, only to find it nearly deserted, and with unearthly cries coming from within. upon further investigation, all but one of the nazis have been brutally dispatched. it is revealed that the surrounding islands have an age old reputation for witchcraft, and the surviving nazi is an expert in the occult. hitler had sent him to the islands to recover ancient tomes detailing the summoning of demons. its well documented that hitler was obsessed with the occult, and thought he could use it to shift the war in his favor. the lone surviving nazi had accomplished his task, securing the means to summon a demon, and sucessfully doing so. of course, he wasn’t fully prepared, and the demon he conjured, referred to as a fem veru, was ashapeshifter, impervious to human weapons, and very quickly decimated every nazi but him. the demon could not harm him because of an incantation he possesed. as the film progresses , our two man team of heroes is reduced to one, who fights with the nazi, rendering him unconcious. our hero searches the unconcious nazi and finds the incantation. he takes it without knowing what it is. thats when the cries start again, so our hero investigates. he finds the room where the demon was summoned, and the demon, who is decidedly female, appears to him as his dead wife. i won’t go into the rest of the film, but suffice it to say he learns her true nature. i have to say, i thought she was beautiful in her true form. later in the film, she keeps trying to seduce him, in the form of his wife. this is a fruitless endeavor, as he now knows the truth. were it me, iwould have told her she need not put on airs for me, as i found her beautiful already.

    you claim demons are sexless-i don’t believe this. not based on a film, of course. call it intuition. i would also like to point out that i wouldn’t divulge weakness to someone who would use it against me. the very fact that one of my perceived weaknesses disturbs you illustrates this clearly.

    -still your “faithful” pet- WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!

  6. anthony paul-love of the damned Says:

    i was considering your reply to an earlier statement of mine, and i realized i didn’t address all your questions. this woman i carried a torch for, its likley she didn’t share my feelings. at least to the extent that i felt them. she did like me, however. but all of this information is useless. she was, and is with someone else. its not like i suffer daily because of this;thats the way things are.
    i told you i’m not vain. i didn’t mention i’m selective. picky. not prone to sleep with just anyone. so yes, i’ve rejected some women’s advances. not that i felt i was better than them! its just that there is no satisfaction in sex for sex’s sake (maybe a little, perhaps with ones wife.)
    i couldn’t help but notice some of your curious wording, which i found to be veiled insults towards my manhood. “eensy weensy”? HA! my dear temptress, that only works on men who assign value to their, ahem, “endowments”. i do not. why fret over something you can’t change? (i won’t go into into specifics on this topic, but i have no complaints-use your imagination.) either way, i do like when you showcase some of the venom you must posess. don’t be timid! give me both barrels next time! i do enjoy a good roasting. most people can’t laugh at themselves, i can.
    i like you temptress, but i may have insulted you on occasion. accidentally! us romantics can be quite passionate sometimes, hurting even those closest to us. but you must tell me when i “begged for you” while its true enough i inquired as to your whereabouts, i don’t recall begging. i may have gotten overly passionate (there that damn boy goes, AGAIN!). i hate to point this out, but you are free to ignore me, anytime you like. can you resist? i made it known that as long as you are here, i’am here. wasn’t much fun without you, to be honestly frank and frankly honest. did i mention my love of bad puns? i ‘m here all week, people! direct your hatred to me!

    • Anthony Paul, I enjoyed reading your account of the Nazi movie… Interesting! Is it a true story? Also, don’t listen to Temptress. She is obviously upset that you are an ‘honorable’ man, and when the devil or his demons can’t reach you in a true sense, they get frustrated, grasping at straws. Are you really her ‘pet’ or are you toying with her? I am curious as to these ‘plans’ you have for humanity. I myself find you quite a mystery.


  7. anthony paul-love of the damned Says:

    shallimamma- not a true story. some of the mythology is based on true accounts. you are aware that hitler sought after religious artifacts? indiana jones wasn’t very far from the truth. hitler sought anything to give him an advantage. but i must implore you, DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM! hate to sound like a know itall, but this movie is strictly for horror buffs and gorehounds. i feel this probably isn’t suited to your taste in cinema i don’t want you watching it on my account. but, you know, freewill and all. if you insist, have at it. just don’t be upset if i say “told you so”.
    i also feel compelled to mention that i have this strange feeling that you and temptress have a link , of sorts. i suppose you’ve spoken with her? has she tried to “tempt” you? looking back on previous exchanges i’ve had with her, shes not actually tried to tempt or persuade me at all. curious, no?

    as far as these plans i mentioned, you can find them scattered about this blog, under different names. i would also advise you to avoid them- they are quite, uh, blasphemous? wicked? delusions of grandeur, most likley. don’t worry, they aren’t violent! (to humans at least. or animals! the jury is still out on my opinion of humanity, but i certaintly adore animals) its not that i’m trying to send you on a wild scavenger hunt, i just would like to prevent any offense i might cause.

    i’m curious how a man (or woman) would toy with a demon. this seems highly inadvisable, and quite foolhardy. i only jest with temptress when she invites me to. though i’am merely a mortal man, as she would be keen to remind me, she would just as well have me forget how much our kind has in common. you see, i’am not a christian. but that doesn’t mean i don’t pose a threat to her and her masters kingdom…

    • shalimamma Says:

      Anthony Paul, wow, very interesting about the movie! Truth be told, I am severely freaked out by horror movies… I don’t know what the deal is, but I don’t like ‘dark’ moves (unless they are making fun of them) or even all the dark Halloween stuff. But thanks for the warning! I LOVE Indiana Jones, however… who wouldn’t? 😉

      As far as Temptress, I try to avoid her. The reason being: she reminds of myself before I found God in the true sense. I know who she is, and just so you know, she emails SOME of us privately. She is full of envy and seeks to point out the flaws (which she sees easily) of others when challenged, and she has an immense love for pleasure at the soul’s expense. She’s not an obvious ‘dark horror movie kill-with-a-hacksaw’ type. Christians don’t fall for those anyway. But Christians fall for judgments and envy and pleasures all the time, in the name of ‘caring’ and ‘warmth’… and go right to hell. I don’t think Temptress or Devilbloggger care how you get to hell… they just want you to get there. The thing is, all it takes is the name of Jesus (if you notice, they try to avoid that name) and they are gone like lightening. He really is our only defense…

      As far as toyng with a demon, you make a good point about not playing around with demons. However, the greatest ‘toying’ would be to get into conversation with one on this blog and throw out something like the name of Jesus to make them shreak. 😉 But you are right… best to avoid them in reality.

      I sense compassion as well as honor in you (referencing my honorable man comment)… and I find this refreshng in someone who claims to not be a Christian. I believe God’s goodness is in far more place and people than we care to believe, since most of us like to keep Him in a box…


  8. anthony paul-love of the damned Says:

    shalimamma- i found your life victorious blog by clicking on you gravatar. i spent at least an hour reading various pieces. very good writing! very brave of you, to put such personal stories of your life where many could view them. and 8 kids?! holy snikes! i think 3 at most would be enough for most average people. but your far above an average person. were you so inclined, you could write a very good autobiography. to publish, i mean, that would provide a sizeable bit of income to buffer the whole 8 kids and 2 businesses thang. even my stone heart had stirrings reading some of the more painful entries. the ones dealing with addiction/crisis of faith. the title escaped my memory, but it was quite long. you probably know which one i’m reffering to.

    if had read any of your blog prior to responding to your earlier comment i definitely would have been more stern in telling you to avoid some of my previous comments. you don’t need to waste your time on my evil and nihlistic rants. as you learned, albeit painfully so, everyone must find the road to the father on their own. this is aroad i will walk, alone. that is the only way to reach truth. i have been told plenty, and even by people on this blog, that the only way to salvation is through grace and acceptance of the gift. i understand these words. i understand the idea behind these words. but i don’t FEEL them. not yet, at least.

    • shalimamma Says:

      Anthony Paul, I am extremely honored that you checked out my blog. Thank you! Yes, I have had many struggles, and many of them aren’t even written down yet. I write as I feel the inspiration to do so…

      I think your feelings about humanity are completely valid. I mean, the post we are commenting on here is about the shootings in Aurora. It is hard to see God and goodness these days… but goodness is there and sometimes we have to strain to see it. I know I have to strain very hard at times, as I also fight against the demon of depression sometimes.

      I understand ‘not feeling it’ as far as the warm and fuzzy about Christianity. More and more, I am learning that Christianity can be summed up in the crucifix. Love poured out. Not in the least warm and fuzzy, but horrible from a world viewpoint. From the soul viewpoint, it seems like an invitation to experience His love to the point of death.

      As a very human human 😉 I try to run from the cross, almost every day of my life… but then somehow, I find that embracing it is the only way to true joy. Still, just yesterday, I was so disillusioned by life that felt like cursing the ‘cross.’ You are right that it is a personal journey. You are courageous in that you are at least seeking truth.


  9. anthony paul, love of the damned Says:

    no prob. i love to read. afraid reading is becoming a pastime with the digital revolution (which i hate-twitter and facebook primarily) blogs are okay though. at least people need an attention span longer than a toddler’s to enjoy a blog.

    battling depression? my mother seems to struggle with that from time to time. once again, i don’t feel or understand it. not denying her supposed misery, but to an onlooker, its transparent. i need to be able to SEE it. maybe i’m callous. or maybe i’m just pragmatic to a fault. either way, i try not to be dickish about it, even if i have doubts about her depression’s potency. maybe i’m not as compassionate as you suggested. maybe, like most people who were hyper-active attention deficit as kids, i’m just a space cadet too often. i was going to think on this further, but i saw something shiny and focused on that instead.

    these trials and tribulations must have been powerful to make you want to curse the cross, even for a second. the bible has at least one account of a faithful one coming to the brink of his trust in god. he nearly cracked under the pressure, and came within a breath of abdicating his faith. think of him next time. ask yourself if your anguish rivals his. then take a moment to remember what your faith tells you is at stake.

    what do you mean by run from the cross? do you the mean the horror of the way christ died? the brutality of the abuse that WE visited upon him? i’ve been considering this, and find it very thought provoking.

  10. anthony paul, love of the damned Says:

    no prob. i love to read. afraid reading is becoming a pastime with the digital revolution (which i hate-twitter and facebook primarily) blogs are okay though. at least people need an attention span longer than a toddler’s to enjoy a blog.

    battling depression? my mother seems to struggle with that from time to time. once again, i don’t feel or understand it. not denying her supposed misery, but to an onlooker, its transparent. i need to be able to SEE it. maybe i’m callous. or maybe i’m just pragmatic to a fault. either way, i try not to be ignorant about it, even if i have doubts about her depression’s potency. maybe i’m not as compassionate as you suggested. maybe, like most people who were hyper-active attention deficit as kids, i’m just a space cadet too often. i was going to think on this further, but i saw something shiny and focused on that instead.

    these trials and tribulations must have been powerful to make you want to curse the cross, even for a second. the bible has at least one account of a faithful one coming to the brink of his trust in god. he nearly cracked under the pressure, and came within a breath of abdicating his faith. think of him next time. ask yourself if your anguish rivals his. then take a moment to remember what your faith tells you is at stake.

    what do you mean by run from the cross? do you the mean the horror of the way christ died? the brutality of the abuse that WE visited upon him? i’ve been considering this, and find it very thought provoking.

  11. You are all stupid. Religion isn’t even real.

    • well, thats not quite true, is it? i suppose how you define “real” is different from how intelligent people define “real”. spongebob squarepants: fictional, but still technically “real”. you can’t deny the existence of something when there is mountains and mountains of physical evidence ( churches, the bible, catholic priests molesting young boys, a crucifix with a naked man dying on it, burning “witches”,blah blah blah ) denying religion exists makes you sound stupid. questioning its validity, and whether or not man needs it…preach on!

  12. Your blog is so much better than that blog about Jesus which really sucks since they always listen to you and the devils when they remove peoples comments which is wrong because that is the sin of censorship. You come out ahead when Christians do that to other Christians on the internet just as you do when Muslims block people and do not allow them to post comments. This means you are a brilliant genius. Just as when free people are criminalized you and your friends come out ahead.

  13. Bam Bam Ramsey Says:

    Why would someone say to take the devils and Satan out of the four gospels for and insinuate that if they were not there that Gods Son would be a so-called shadow boxer for?

  14. Russell Barnes Says:

    P. I. S. S. stands for police in Satan’s service. I just made that one up.

  15. Andrew Hill Says:

    Y. O. L. O. stands for youth obeying Lucifer’s orders. And when Randy Orton violently attacked Edge that is exactly what he did. There is also G. O. L. O. government obeying Lucifer’s orders. And let us not forget S. O. L. O. soldiers obeying Lucifer’s orders. Even they are obedient to Satan and revere him and the demons when they dropped a bomb on Hiroshima

  16. Ben Tropeano Says:

    By the way Hiroshima is in a clean country called Japan which they have more love and reverence for than to immature and stupid North Americans who only care about the enter threat called the internet and feeding their own faces while being cruel and inhumane towards neighbors denying them access to their homes, wanting as much crime as is humanly possible, pollution spread like a disease to every corner of this country as is humanly possible like having a Suzuki motorcycle in the woods next to a neighborhood with the rest of the woods next to that neighborhood wasted and destroyed to put unwanted houses there and a graveyard next to it that has junk and garbage there that anyone who tries to clean it up has intruders and unwanted guests who hide behind badges show up who are a menace to society.

  17. The cop who obeys Lucifer's orders Says:

    I obey Lucifer every time I arrest thieves, drug addicts, harlots, taxpayers, men who compliment cashiers bosoms and cleavage, people who don’t want to serve as jurors in courts, parents who wont send their children to school, people who do not have and or drive with licenses, hassling people at graveyards with littering tickets and threatening them with jail if they return a third time, making them clean junk out of a dumpster behind a church just because of a stupid illegal dumping law that did not need to be passed, hassling people at night on the highway who pick up wood on the road itself by shining a light from the side of my police car along with being a pest if they clean a parking lot at a shopping center at night. Just like what me and them do at night by being weirdo creeps shining our lights on folks at night when they are coming and going home.

  18. The cop who obeys Lucifer's orders Says:

    This is the list of sins I am paid to commit against those who believe in the Lord their God. I love Satan and I hate God. And it shows because I would rather be a police officer than a Christian. This is the demons of hypocrisy living inside of me and working through me.

  19. The devout internet user Says:

    Has anyone ever heard of that song Michael row the boat Hallelujah? I just thought about it now.

  20. The evil satanist who performs demonic witchcraft Says:

    They have a ankh in the game diablo for the PlayStation. The demons brainwashed Christians into Christianizing paganism by incorporating that into their own religion. And the demons used Constantine to accomplish their goals. That being one of those goals along with the obelisk that is dedicated to the sun god Ra which is a false god of the Egyptians. Constantine was the tool with Belial and the demons being the machine.

  21. Jean Pierre Says:

    Satan and the demons of profanity love it when people even those who are not French say sacrebleu. Because if that is being translated as meaning my God that means those who say God is going to send to hell to be burned in hells eternal flames forever. Oh its true. Its damn true as Kurt Angle would say. Why don’t we ever in North America hear people on French television ever say sacrebleu anyway? Just as why don’t Spanish people ever talk about their christian religion on television anyway? Why don’t those spics ever say ay caramba on T. V. when they have so many opportunities to anyway?

  22. The spic Says:

    When people call me a spic they are listening to demons and Satan because they are making fun of me for being Spanish. They are calling me Spanish in control. God sends racists to hell for committing that sin when they listen to demons. They even tempt white people to call black people niggers and for them to call white people crackers. Just as the demons and Satan also love it when they can get people to ridicule Chinese people by calling them chinks, native North Americans engines. Even calling Asian people gooks is disrespectful and offensive.

  23. Ay caramba. Has anyone ever wanted to jerk off to the beautiful picture of Ann Wests beautiful face and beautiful cleavage? I know I would want to now.

  24. Satan Bob Jacob the homewrecker who deceives a young and naive divorced unmarried woman just as Satan the prince both of darkness and this world would do Says:

    Just like Satan I do not really care about the young woman I am helping because I am not. Bob only thinks about Bob. He does not feel sorry for a young woman who has two elder siblings that are dead but instead would rather dishonor her and her family by seeing to it the house and property is destroyed and the son and father is wrongfully removed from the home they should still be in right now. This is how guys like me operate. Does anyone out there know of anyone who is as much of a heartless monster as I am that I would do this to a family after their loved one died young? This ladies and gentlemen is the work of the Devil at its finest.

  25. Eve Carol Esau Says:

    I sold my birthright like a fool to a con artist who should be in a motorcycle gang. Does anyone out there know someone who is this stupid, gullible and naive?

  26. A devil named Beth O'Neil who is listening to the devils and Satan who she is acting just like him Says:

    I want to continue to torture him in one of Satan’s prisonlike residential homes in this case Gardenbrook by violating his right to leave by keeping him institutionalized there

  27. Damon Snelling Says:

    There are probably a lot of conservators who are devils that keep homeless people imprisoned in nursing homes, residential homes, convalescent homes imprisoned by institutionalizing them there like they are children that they do not want to see them grow up and take care of themselves.

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