Packing it in, my friends

Dear faithful readers, email subscribers, RSS-feeders, Twitter followers, the Temptress, and anyone else reading this–THANK YOU!

Thank you for two great years of “devilbloggging” but I’ve decided to move on to other things.  As I mentioned last year at the 1-year anniversary, Satan’s Blog was something of an experiment for me, and I committed from the beginning to one year.  Last year I decided to continue, but two years is enough.  It’s been fun.  I hope it’s been both entertaining and seriously thought-provoking.  All in all it was not a bad run.  I am pushing up against 90,000 page views, with over 2000 comments.  I have 106 subscribers (thank you to each of you!) and 102 Twitter followers (yee-hah!).

But, alas, all good things must come to an end.  I will give up the “bloggingsatan” URL, but this blog will continue to live at for your reading enjoyment.  I will keep my gmail account, which is devilbloggger (at)  gmail.  (note there are 3 g’s!)

One last gasp of possibility: if any of my wonderful readers have connections in the publishing industry, and could convince a “real” publisher (as opposed to self-publishing, POD, etc.) to publish and distribute into bookstores “The Best of Satan’s Blog” I can compile a book-length collection of the best posts.  And I might reconsider blogging.   Let me know.  Have the publisher contact me.

So long.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

83 Responses to “Packing it in, my friends”

  1. You did good. You have tremendous insight and the guts to put the truth out there. I can see how this could weigh you down though.
    I share your pain about trying to find a publisher. Keep writing and praying…you used the platform God gave you very well…He may have other platforms for you that you would never expect…

  2. Says:

    awww sorry to hear this. Enjoyed very much reading your blogs and forwarding them to friends. Well, I guess I’ll have to read “Screwtape Letters” again while I wait for your book to be published. Thank you. Nancy Stone

  3. Not gonna lie, this depressed me a little. However, I know how much time blogging can take, especially if you have other full-time “gigs” (in my case, that would be mommy and wifehood, which is why I haven’t written a new post since February!). I wish you the best of luck in all you do, and I hope you know how much we all enjoyed and were challenged by your wise, sardonic words over the last two years.

  4. thank you for you awesome posts, and especially for your very awesome book. I’ve enjoyed readinf it and sometims still do 😉 good luck; I hope you find a publisher!

  5. mazsamem7 Says:

    Oh, DB…I’m going to miss you very very much! We all will. You’ve helped me to more or less define where I stand. You provoked me into thinking, and it’s been fun. I value the somewhat strange
    camaraderie among the regulars. For you and any who might wish to “keep the home fires burning” 😉 my email is: mazsamem7(at)gmaildotcom DB, I hope you find a publisher. You put a refreshing spin on your topics and deserve a much larger audience! I’ll keep you and your intentions in my prayers. Please do the same for me. Hope to see you back blogging some day. God bless you, my friend!

    • Mazsamem7 — folks like you make blogging a pleasure! Yes, you helped bring a certain camaraderie, and I appreciated it much! You continue following hard after truth. And I’ll drop you a line sometime!

  6. Thanks for the challenge to see that our battle is not against flesh and blood. All the best to you as you move on.

  7. king buzzard, prince vulture Says:

    who am i going to haunt now? ghouls need sustenance to survive!
    i don’t like to admit it, but i have a softer side. good luck on your path, pilgrim.

    p.s. maybe our paths will converge again one day. maybe….

    • Ahhh, my multi-named friend. I believe you, and I trust that if you haven’t found it already, you will find truth. And, if that’s the case, then our paths WILL cross someday!

  8. Thank you, DB.

    You are a fantastic writer and know a lot about the truth (Christ). I pray you continue this work any way. If Obama win, we are going to need the most.

    The best for you and your family.

    Your reader,
    Pedro Erik

  9. Oh man the master leaves the room leaving them wanting more!

  10. Godspeed my friend. I thoroughly enjoyed your insight and wit. I’ll miss checking in for Satan’s take on things.

  11. Last wish?

    Maybe, we, regular readers, deserve a last post. Suggestion:


    I mentined both in my last post in my blog (

    But, I am quite sure that you will do a much better job.

    Pedro Erik

  12. I was wondering just last week, what happened to you!

    I have been a relative newcomer to your blog, but have enjoyed it tremendously. It has been kind of refreshing to view Christianity from a different angle.

    What ever happened to Marina (back in May?)

    • mazsamem7 Says:

      Hi, jeanelane~Marina is still over at the Ask Satan part of the blog. I just came from there to see what’s been going on.

  13. I can’t shake this nagging feeling that certain entities will now feel they have successfully hounded you out of the public square. That was obviously what their incessant nonsensical babbling was about. I see these people sitting on top of good web sites all the time, especially the ones that expose the “gay” agenda, just waiting to innundate with the usual hypocrtical finger-pointing. Just sayin’. They wear me out with their B.S. too.

  14. shalimamma Says:

    DB, or my warlord as I have called you from the beginning 😉 this is INDEED depressing to me. I have seldom found the wit and wisdom you possess (pun intended) in the blogosphere. However, I can see God is leading you down the path that He intends… everything has a time and season! Thank you for getting the truth out there in such a clever and page-turning manner!

    Just so happens, I do know a publisher, and she published my first book (we are working on a second one)… I’ll contact you privately about that!

    Thank you again…
    shalimamma at LifeVictorious

  15. shalimamma Says:

    For those of you sweethearts keeping track of Marina, she visits frequently. Please continue to reach out to her! 😉

  16. My worshipful master,

    I am not able to quite grasp the magnitude of your leaving the blogosphere. It has been a PLEASURE to work with you here, and indeed, an honor.

    Hm hm hm…. boo hoo boo hoo! 😦

    Ahem. I apologize. I lost my composure. But I am sobbing in my chamber.


    • king buzzard, prince vulture Says:

      well, well, look who slithered in. punctual much? in the short time youve been gone, i’ve become a prince AND a king. how? tsk, tsk. you, of all beings should know better than to ponder the how of all things, and indeed the why of all things. i was going to make a point of it to wear a collar and leash when we finally met. you know, for YOUR convenience and all. but i’m no longer a pet, as my new title clearly illustrates!

      farewell, temptress! i was going to devise some crafty laywer-speak to sidestep telling you i’ll miss you. but what the hell, right?

      p.s. every royal court has a place for a temptress, right? just saying…

      • Ah, my dear… er… buzzard. I am grieved that you are no longer my pet, and that this blog is discontinuing. I am further grieved that because of the flames in which I reside, my gmail decided to act up and stop forwarding me notifications. Such is the disadvantage of not being… omnipotent.

        That being said, I am surprisingly happy for you that you have gained a new title of prince and king. Of what, I am not sure… Prince and king of name creations and personality identities?

        If you do have a ‘royal court’, do invite me. But only because I can only picture you with that leash and collar 😉

        Hm hm.

        Yours still,
        The Temptress

        • king buzzard, prince vulture Says:

          how i do love to be sassed…question not the how or the why, remember? sass all you like, however, as i quite enjoy it.

    • Temptress, my friend. My God’s grace and blessing follow you all the days of your life. 🙂

  17. Dawwwwww – best wishes to you and thank you for the fond, fond memories! 🙂

    And yeah – someone get Satan a deal! I hear there’s souls… or toasters… or something in it for you!


  18. Well that just stinks! I’m really gonna miss reading your blog posts and everyone’s comments, such an interesting perspective. After C. S. Lewis, no one can compare. And I was really looking forward to what your take on this years election was going to be. Well you take care and good luck to you in your new venture.

  19. king buzzard, prince vulture Says:

    parting is such sweet sorrow…off i go then.

  20. Sam Waterburry Says:

    Foolish Satan was driven from here by such glory as THIS video

  21. Sam~You (or rather Tor) managed to offend almost all major faiths. Except Islam. Or did I miss a symbol in the mishmash? If not, why not? And thanks. The song was SO hideous, my hearing had no other recourse but to shut down in self-defense. Sad that this video may be the last memory I have of this blog. Nah…I’m not serious. Too much good happened here to let it be ruined by the freak show I just watched. Sorry, Sam. I vote: FAIL. G’day. And peace to all of you I’ve had the pleasure of meeting here. I’m going to miss you! And devilblogger, hope all goes well for you! Goodbye, all.

  22. sgdjjueyg Says:

    Il Vangelo che è in mano è un dono stupenda per il mondo.

  23. Ahh, I am sad to see I missed it. Oh well..I have a lot of great reading ahead of me.

  24. A gifted juggler named Hans Messerschmitt Says:

    When people go on the non-primitive mechanism known as the internet and look at models webcams they are looking at immoral pornography. Its called working as a adult pornographic webcam model. It is all relegated to the internet which has a built in T.V. instead of a normal television without a computer.

  25. Niels Duinker Says:

    Pornography is a sin from the devils that is committed against God. But it is forgivable. Some jugglers are gifted and can learn really fast. And there are some who don’t have very blessed lives where they do not have many friends in their neighborhoods and they are not gifted and do not master juggling tricks really fast in one year without it taking a longer time than that. Some people cannot master four and five toy club juggling. And they cannot master working with those toys while laying down on their backs without it being a chore if it takes longer than one year.

  26. Tor Hershman Says:

    I do not often say stupid stuff in a song. But when I do I say completely ridiculous things like about a turd without clarifying what that is to people which makes no sense at all.

  27. Tammie Epting Says:

    That song was so stupid I forgot to laugh.

  28. Susan Radar Says:

    Has anyone ever wondered about why their sisters never let their brothers and parents go to their friends homes?

  29. Daniel Vane Says:

    Tell God to keep calm and keep loving Satan and demons so we can all keep dying and suffering.

  30. Grace Anderson Says:

    The demons can make people say stupid stuff in songs that does not make sense at all. Like what Tor was saying in his song that was probably copied from someone else which is unoriginal to copy other peoples songs.

  31. Hugh Hefner Says:

    Using evil,satanic and insidious orders of restraint against those who were rudely,disrespectfully and wrongfully evicted from their childhood homes is morally and spiritually wrong. Because there is no way this is doing Gods will. This is doing Satan’s will every time someone does this, especially when it is a sister who should have known better who does it just to screw her mother and youngest brother over who does not know it by doing that is also screwing herself over.

  32. The judge Marcel who makes people homeless through his love for money Says:

    Because that is what I do. I play God with peoples lives by using court orders as a excuse to intentionally turn them into bums on purpose by demanding them to be homeless or become homeless in houses that are full of cages that they call prison and jail. Do prisons and jails honor Satan and demons? Hell yeah it does honor Satan’s demons and their leader who rules our governments.

  33. Carolina Says:

    The tyrannical eviction law that is used to commit the crime of making people homeless against their will means that the people who are wrongfully removed from their homes against their will are the real victims and not the people like me are that just want to play the victim by making up lies about the person who I am trying to blame and frame for something he is not doing like insinuating on a evil, satanic eviction notice and a evil, satanic order of restraint that he wants to “kill’ me and “bury” me, he will “hurt” with tools from the garage, he “disfigures” himself with a “knife”, he will “carry out” his “threats”, blaming him for the spread of bed bugs when in reality that is my fault, he “disrespects”, “intimidates” and “hassles” our mother, I live in “fear”. I also like to be antagonistic and hold the fact that he lights candles against him. And I also had to mention that he has a b. b. gun but mentioned that he does not own it. I also had Clyde assist and encourage me in the commission of the crime of evicting him from our home by using a lease against him as a weapon to victimize him.

  34. It is rather unfortunate that when they could show on the internet mattresses from the eighties that they just wont do that and they refuse also to show a old wooden bunk bed with cloth that has a plaid design on it where those mattresses are placed. And they will not show a white blanket that has a large medallion in the middle that looks like the sun. Just as they probably would not show a photo either of a blanket that has a plaid design that is blue and yellow.

  35. The guy who did not go to heaven happy because he was not allowed to have his stuff that has sentimental value and that holds memories Says:

    Its true. And this is stuff that no one never wants to mention which is the truth. They do not even want to mention what I have just mentioned here on television if everything I was saying was not constantly being relegated to the internet.

  36. Ernest do Nascimento Says:

    Some go home to be with Lord who lived happy lives while on earth and some people go home to live with Him forever who lived on earth sad lives because they had a daughter who did not love and respect their home, property and two family members like her father and youngest brother by leaving them alone and letting them live in their home where they belong instead of forcing them against their will to live in group homes such as a nursing home and a residential home.

  37. Its true. What was mentioned here. There are some people when they have died that they did have happy lives before they went to heaven to live with God forever. And of course there are others who unfortunately everyone had to make them miserable including when its a daughter who cant live her youngest brother alone and her father as well as their property and their furniture and other stuff in their home after their two older brothers die. So we see what we got here are two totally different extremes where some people meet God and everything goes good in their lives and other people things do not go well for them all of the time.

  38. Alistair Crowley Says:

    When people destroy woods behind someone’s home and afterward their daughter dishonors the memory of their elder brothers by making their younger brother homeless against his will while doing that tosses out his bed even if it is a bunk bed and his blankets with a male accomplice who rides a motorcycle, plays a guitar and loves being a homewrecker destroying their home downstairs there is something definitely wrong with that equation that is proven to be the work of the devils especially when they have her father trapped in a nursing home without letting him return home so his back can be fixed. When she has guys come over to their home who’s names have to be on the internet who love helping them throw out their material possessions as garbage that is the work of the Devil. Has anyone ever heard of something like this happening before? Its especially bad and wrong when its a daughter who had to have guys come over and kill and destroy the bushes in front of their home and ruin the bushes between their property and their next door neighbors property plus killing and erasing from existence burdocks in their backyard behind their home. Any of this could sound like info that is personal but this could happen to anyone and its not something a daughter should do to her parents and youngest brother if they went through enough tragedy with two sons dying prematurely that were their brothers along with a aunt and her son.

  39. Alistair Crowley Says:

    Oops. I meant to say kill and destroy bushes in front of their home while also having them ruin the shrubs that is on the right side of their home where the mailbox is. Anyone can be a victim of a bad situation like this they did not ask to go through if they have daughter and a sister who is a traitor who stopped going to church at the age of twelve. But its a true story and this is quotable. This is a really tragic story in my humble opinion that no one should have to go through and I would never wish this on anyone. Not even my worst enemies.

  40. Damon Andrew Snelling Says:

    The last thing the Devil Satan never would talk about not even in the bible is how he destroys peoples lives, property and their woods behind their home and property. All anyone here has to do is read a comment here and they will be able to see how good of a job the devils and Satan are doing in the world.

  41. Russell Barnes Says:

    What do demons do in the world today that no one speaks of here to take peoples joy away from them? They use construction workers to destroy their woods and build houses there that do not belong there and that is probably after their loved ones is dead especially if it is two brothers that died a few years ago that were young and they also use their sisters to further add insult to injury to dishonor and disgrace the family by throwing out stuff that should have been left alone in their home like furniture, tools, video cassettes and other stuff that should have stayed where it was along with destroying their property by killing and destroying the shrubs in front of their home and ruining the bushes on the right side of their home while also killing the burdocks and erasing those plants from existence in the backyard. And while this is happening the demons use those evil sisters to devise evil plans that are wrong with coconspirators who do not feel sorry for them that their brothers are dead by throwing their fathers who have crooked in nursing homes as if they are just a burden to their family and also intentionally on purpose turn their youngest brothers into bums to dishonor the memory of their loved ones who have passed away. Is this what God would want us to do when our loved ones have passed away? No. Should someone who has a beard, rides a motorcycle and plays a guitar come over after their loved ones passed away if he cannot respect them, their home and their property? No.

  42. The infantile woman named Janet who never dried the bathtub after she took a bath Says:

    I never asked myself why I cannot seem to act my age and dry the bathtub every time I take a bath. It must be the devils that makes us do something as infantile and stupid as never drying the bathtub after we take showers and baths.

  43. Mr. Nelson Says:

    When people can practically say anything they want on the internet including about when adolescents, teenagers and adults act like babies when they take showers and baths when they never even use their towels to dry their bathtubs when they are through so someone else does not have to live their lives for them. But unfortunately this is something they do not even have the decency to mention on the internet. Why is that anyway?

  44. The babyish man George who lives in a group residential home who never even tried to dry the bathtub after taking showers till he died imprisoned there Says:

    Its true. I died and went to hell because they do not give altar calls there for people to be saved and know the Lord as their savior. And I wasted my whole life being a baby who never learned the value of drying the bathtub after I was through in the bathroom taking a shower.

  45. When Christians who commit the sin of making porn movies together take showers and baths together. Do they intentionally forget to dry those bathtubs when they are through committing the sin of having sexual intercourse together in those showers and bathtubs? There is a good question for everyone to ask who is reading my comment right now.

  46. Eileen Sullivan Says:

    When the truth is censored even on the internet. The best example is when adults simultaneously act and live as infants by never using the towels they have so other people always have to do that for them by wiping those bathtubs for them to dry those bathtubs because they are too lazy, stupid and infantile to know how to dry bathtubs when they are through taking showers and baths.

  47. The brainless moron who acted as a baby when he went to the bathroom and did not flush the toilet after pissing and taking a crap in the toilet Says:

    Because that is what I do. Also I do not even dry the bathtub whether I take a bath or a shower because that is how lazy, stupid and babyish I am. Do you know a person like this who not only never flushes the toilet but also never dries the bathtub after taking a bath? Satan the prince of this world knows how to make people stupid and immature ladies and gentlemen.

  48. Bruce Schofield Says:

    The love of money is the root cause of the problem of people sadistically making people homeless while never apologizing without caring about their feelings. Homelessness is the work of the demons and Satan.

  49. Bobby Duhigg Says:

    What they will never want to speak of on television just like they will not the internet is that the demons and their leader who rules the world that God no longer rules who is named Belial owns the internet. This means that demons both have control and rule over the worlds internets.

  50. Jonathan Berman Says:

    No one knows if in that many countries they destroy woods in back of their homes that are in their neighborhoods and at the same time that they do that after their two older sons dies they have a daughter listen to the devils that tell her to make her youngest brother homeless against his will and before she conspires against him to do that also wants to turn her back on their father by putting him in a nursing home instead of getting his back fixed. Any country could have a woman like this who has not gotten her priorities straight.

  51. Joseph Morgue Says:

    It is too bad that on the Devils internet that he and his friends own that they cannot even say that footballs used to have two complete white rings on those footballs but now those balls only have white stripes on the top of those balls where they put the white laces on those balls.

  52. Mommy number 2 civil rights violator Beth O'Neil Says:

    Cuz that is what I do. Especially when I am not even in hurry to get someone the hell out of a hospital for adult babies who are being treated like that as if they were just born and they do not want to let go of them so they can grow up and take care of themselves which is what adult baby daycare centers are for old people and young people.

  53. David Drummond the mentally retarded bastard Says:

    What was I saying? I must be listening to Satan to practice childish name calling. That is what the devils want us to do even in residential homes and prisons that Satan runs and rules over.

  54. The victim of a devil named Beth O'Neil Says:

    Conservators who listen to demons and intentionally keep homeless people institutionalized and imprisoned in Satan’s prisonlike old age homes that are hells on earth such as Gardenbrook will eventually burn in hell for committing a sin like this making an empty promise that they would find them a homes to live in even if it is an apartment.

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